Tuesday, 14 April 2015

Benefits Of Aspiration Precautions Handout In Infants

By Joanna Walsh

When a kid is growing up parents tend to assume they are still young and are not capable to do certain things. This is wrong as the kid is growing and all aspects in their life are. They want to experiment new things and they will use any available tools to try. It is at the infancy period when the number of accidents in the life of a child is very high. This is per the medical reports from a study done in united stated. As a parent, you need to embrace the aspiration precautions handout, as it will guide you on the safe use of the toys.

Ingestion of any foreign object into the lungs can trigger respiratory problems. As a parent, you need to create a conducive environment and make sure your little one is playing with big toys that they cannot choke or swallow. The toys need to be kept clean to make sure the dust from the toys does not choke them.

When shopping for clothes for your infants make sure the decorative objects and buttons are fixed. Infants have a tendency of taking anything they come across into their mouths. Such objects can cause choking in little children. Make it a habit to buy clothes that are free from such decorative and that have no buttons. Repair any button immediately it gets loose in your infants cloths.

Decorative parts can also be found of toys such as teddy bears. You must make sure these parts are fixed. To be on the safe side, avoid buying toys with lots of decorative items. Pay attention to the plastic toys you buy, avoid buying those with parts that came out. Keep items that kids can swallow far away from them. This includes playing items such as inflated balloons.

When Shopping for toys ensure they do not break easily. The broken parts can aspirate your little one causing serious respiratory conditions. Instead, consider buying one-piece pacifiers for your kid. They are less hazardous as they do not break easily. Their color does not peel off easily so the kid will not swallow the paints.

Make use of the age regulation policies when shopping for toys. The policies state that care needs to be taken when buying toys for kids of different ages. At different age, the kid uses different toys. When an infant the kid will use toys that are big in size to avoid swallowing them and as the kid grows you can reduce the toy size.

To prevent aspiration, make sure your kids eat soft and not powdered food. Powdered food is a good example of sticky food that can stick on kids throat. Aspiration occurs as kids have narrow throats that cannot allow large amounts of food to pass through. Avoid solid foods such as peanuts, popcorns, or carrots. Instead, you can turn the solid carrot into carrot juice, in the form the kid can easily eat without danger of aspiration. Do not leave the infants to feed themselves, it is advisable to feed them yourself.

From the above it can be concluded that your infant is your reflection. You hence need to take care of their well-being as they grow. Feed them with the right foods and supply them with the right toys.

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