Monday, 8 June 2015

Discovering Important Biblical Timeline Websites

By Elaine Guthrie

When it comes to believing in the Bible as the actual Word of God, most see the first event as the Creation of the world in seven days. In most cases, each Biblical timeline starts here with one creation myth or another. An event that is followed closely by Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden and the fall of man due to Satan. The fall of man occurs after Eve, born out of Adam's rib takes a bite of an apple against God's or the Creator's wishes.

Some of which include the original Creation myth, the first event noted in the Bible. Now, as to whether this is an accurate, or the only account of the initial creation of the world has yet to be proved. Still, it is noted that this event took place at the beginning of time as officially known.

There are many events which have been established as recorded history in the Old Testament. Although, there have also been many stories proved simply as folktales, legends and myth. Depending on how each individual reads scripture, there are several which can host several different meanings.

If there could be anything more violent than killing a first born son, then Cain killing Abel and Noah arriving on the scene are most likely the next two dramatic stories in the Old Testament. The violence of the sacrifice and the killing of Abel are often overshadowed by scriptures which have, and continue to provide a source for the unkind to create acts of bigotry and hatred among others in our day.

It is said in the Old Testament that sometime around 2081 God made a covenant with Abraham shortly after having rescued Lot from demise. An action which took place shortly after the birth of Ismahel who then begat Sarai and Hagar, thus fulfilling both previous and future prophesy.

One of the most valuable stories which can be learned from the Old Testament is that of a lack of faith and the result of suffering. For, while individuals often think of faith associated with religion, in reality faith is also necessary for success in all acts of life. Faith, which if not present, especially in oneself, can often lead one into severe struggle and suffering over time.

It also becomes clear that a lot can be learned from these timetables. For, if we did not know when Job lost faith, or others were sent to Egypt, we would not be able to tie cause and effect. A process which we can learn a great deal about in life as well as in the pages of the Bible.

For Christians, Jews, Muslims, Pagans and others who see the Bible as the Divine Word of God or as a book of history, these timelines along with scripture references can provide some great insight into historical events mentioned in the Bible. As to whether or not the many folktales and myths like Noah and the Ark or Jonah and the Whale are real or only imagined, it is still an interesting trip through history.

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