Friday, 31 July 2015

A Good Read On ZDDP Oil Treatment

By Jordan Schmidt

The compound, an important additive in oils, is fully known as Zinc dialydithiophosphate and manufacturers came up with it 70 years ago. Its original use was on airplane engines but later, it was discovered to be useful in trucks and motor vehicles. Many tests were conducted and it was established that when added to other oil products, it could reduce wear of engines. ZDDP oil treatment is thus a very vital compound in the motor industry.

The compound is believed to have anti-oxidant and corrosion resistance properties that are important in protecting the internal combustion engine from aging. Despite its good qualities, there have been efforts to stop it from being used as an additive due to the long term human toxicity associated with it. Proper disposal habits can help control this problem.

In addition, the presence of zinc and phosphates in oils decreases the well being of the catalytic converter in the engine. With time, manufacturers reduced its concentration in motor oils and there was a negative effect on classic and modern engines due to rapid wear. The effect was worse for the classic engines as there were numerous cases of total camshaft destruction and wear.

Despite of the name containing both metals, phosphorous performs the main function of reducing wear in motor engines. Many motor experts believe that the lower the zinc levels in oils the lower the rate of wear. There is a big difference between old as modern engines and the old engines as their need for ZDDP is not the same this is because of their modification and basically just how they are built to operate.

The importance of the compound is especially important during the break-in period for camshafts and lifters. It should be therefore considered as an additive in the motor oil during the run in period on a rebuilt classic engine. Motorists have to be extra careful with the amount of ZDDP added as an overdose can cause increase in wear.

Another consideration will be using classic motor oil which specifically contains the compound such as valvoline. If you opt to add ZDDP to your oil, make sure that you carry out proper measurements following the recommended concentration levels as guided by the manufacturer. This additive will ensure a happy and long lived driving.

A lot of people pay more attention to fuel additives than oil additives. This can be attributed to the fact that people only check their oil after three months when a replacement is needed while fuel runs out every other day. People should know that a good engine is more important to the life of a vehicle. Many products in the market already contain added compounds that people do not know of.

The additives have different purposes and some of them are; detergents, dispersants, friction-modifiers and anti-acids. In order for a person to make a good decision, they should know what they want to buy and what it will do rather than rely on what the product claims to do and his expectations. It is very difficult to carry out tests in a bid to verify these claims in the market.

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