Sunday, 29 November 2015

The Roles Played By An Automotive Spokesperson

By Brenda Warner

A spokesperson is an individual who basically is hired by a company that deals in cars to generally welcome customers to the company showroom and give a brief description on various car models available. They outline specific details that a customer does not know and clearly explains to them why they should purchase a certain model. Others will define them as people selected to speak or represent companies or people. Automotive spokesperson usually represents their companies in all matters regarding public relations.

The world is slowly changing and people or organizations are becoming media sensitive. Many company announcements are being aired or communicated through media. Only professional should be employed to such a position. This is a very sensitive docket and only competent and qualified people should occupy the position. The job entails constantly updating the public on what is happening with the organization.

The public is also a shareholder of an organization and so they have a right to be constantly updated on the progress on a particular organization. Make no mistake of employing a person with no prior experience. A competent person for the job is one who has undergone formal training probably in journalism sector, public affairs of companies, communication sector and has successfully done public relations.

He makes sure that any public announcement is basically made in the manner it should. Public announcements are made using the appropriate ways laid by the company and in the manner which the spokesperson may deem fit. The channel chosen should be the one that only maximizes the effect of favorable messages. Use channels that will reduce the influence of any unfavorable messages.

A company may hire someone to do the job professionally or alternatively choose a person from the management team who can do the work. The most frequently chosen people for the job are the presidents of a company, chairman, CEO, company attorney, legal advisers and financial officers. If the work is done on daily basis, the company can decide to delegate the task to corporate communications, relations departments or customer care department who can represent the firm on small relations issues.

He or she ensures that all briefings to the public are made appropriately using the right channels. The person making the briefing should be a charismatic person, smart, intelligent, well groomed and organized. Organized person is able to organize his thoughts, ideas and work so that he can obviously give an organized presentation that people will enjoy and above all understand or get the intended message.

Select a channel that is readily available in your state. The availability of medium of communication is very important to a firm since it dictates how fast the company can respond to some issues through announcements and other relevant actions. The work of spokesperson involve making necessary announcements, doing all the company presentations in various forums, talking to customers on trade shows, answering questions from the press, customers or any other external party.

The company should consider the channel popularity, the cost of announcing using that channel, the following it enjoys, the speed within which it delivers the messages to its intended users and a communication channel that is very appropriate to your company.

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