Saturday, 2 April 2016

Finding Suitable Antique Car Storage

By Angela Williams

Many people buy and restore older cars as a hobby or as part of a club. The majority of these vehicles are not used on a daily basis due to their age and in some cases high value. If your vehicle can not be kept at your home due to lack of space, you may need to look for antique car storage and there are a few options available to you.

If you are just looking for a garage to store the car because it does not need special treatment there are a couple of options available to you. Asking friends and family members if they have room in their garages can sometimes be useful and saves money. Another option is to hire a lock up unit for a fixed period and pay the monthly rental fees.

There are companies that specialize in taking care of their clients cars when they are not in use. In some cases the vehicle may be stored in a lock up garage and the owner will pay rent and have full access to the car if they need it. Other firms will use warehouses for storage and an appointment may be needed to get your vehicle out should you wish to use it.

Some classic and more valuable vehicles may need a little more care and attention than simply keeping them locked away and dry. Many automotive engineers will recommend that the top of the engine is slackened off and some of the other components adjusted while the car is being stored. Many vehicles are suspended to keep them off the floor to prevent any moisture attacking the metals and causing damage.

Another service offered by some of the classic car storage companies is a climate controlled garage. Your car will be housed in a humidity free cocoon and kept at a constant temperature whilst it is there. This can be useful for very old fragile cars or ones that are only part restored and needing completion.

Many of these specialist companies will also offer other useful services to help owners to look after their cars while they are being stored. Servicing can be done by their technicians as well as any other work that you may need completing. These firms will usually clean your vehicle and check fuel, oil and water levels before you collect it.

Another thing to consider when entrusting your car to a company is its insurance cover. All of the reputable companies will be fully insured but if the vehicle has a very high value you may be required to pay an extra premium. If the car has any damage to it before you leave it you should point this out to avoid any disagreements at a later date.

If you intend to leave your car in the care of someone else for long periods of time it is advisable to remove any items from the inside of the car. Satellite navigation units, audio head units and other detachable items should be taken out and kept safe. It is also useful to clean the car inside and out and to remove the battery to prevent damage before storing it for any length of time.

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