Sunday, 24 June 2018

Important Aspects About The Pentecostal Faith Fellowship

By Edward Foster

The Pentecostal faith is one of the most popular evangelical ministries in the world. Its main belief is that the Bible is an inspiration from God and one cannot be saved without believing in Jesus Christ as the only savior. The aspect is what they term as being born again. Here are a few things about Pentecostal faith fellowship to think through.

The origin of this movement. The event of Pentecost demonstrates the inception of this Movement. It is described as the moment when the Holy Spirit descended on the Apostles, and they started speaking in tongues. The happening brings out the notion that one should speak in tongues after accepting to be born again.

Pentecostal can be used to describe a denomination. A denomination is a term which describes a group of churches. In this case, churches which share common doctrine can describe themselves as a Pentecostal. Some of the renowned denomination under this movement include the Assemblies of God, the Pentecostal assemblies, and the Full Gospel Churches. Every church which recognizes itself with this denomination is independent in its own way.

The movement has different doctrines. There are various common doctrines which are seen in every Pentecostal church. Some of these doctrines include baptism through immersion, and manifestation of the holy gifts. They still believe in divine healing as a gift of from the Holy Spirit but at the same time acknowledge the existence of medicine and doctors.

The belief in divine gifts from the Holy Spirit. The most publicized feature of this movement is speaking in tongues as a divine gift from the Holy Spirit. This gift is categorized into two. That is Glossolalia which means speaking in an unknown language and xenoglossy which means speaking with a language which is known to others. Other divine gifts that one can have include healing, interpretation of dreams, wisdom, and others.

The gospel considers a literal form of biblical interpretation. The application of biblical teachings just as they are is described as literal interpretation. In that case, members are expected to apply most things that are taught in the scriptures in their life. Some churches disagree with this concept especially those which are adopted from the Old Testament. They tend to adopt the Bible as a guide that helps them to live righteously.

They know how to evangelize in this denomination. Spreading the word of God is the main focus of this movement. There are different ways that are used in this process. It can be done by preaching the word, charities, and worship. They believe in expository preaching which enhances the Biblical literal application which is another method that is exercised is the lifestyle evangelism. The provisions are clear that one should live according to the biblical teachings to be a good example to non-believers.

The Christian faith has established itself in the world, and it boasts of about two billion followers of the total world population. Nevertheless, there are some places which are facing challenges in its widespread to the existence of other religions. Resistance is common in places such as the South Americas where there is a big number of Catholics and in Asian countries where Islam is popular.

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