Monday, 6 August 2018

What One Should Know About First Baptist Church San Antonio TX

By Anna Long

Christianity has a rich history. Many great emperors and rulers tried to stop Christianity but they failed. They did not want Christianity to spread beyond the walls of Jerusalem but they failed miserably. Christianity has outlived the greatest empires of the world such as the Roman Empire. It has outlived the most powerful men ever to reign on earth and it will exist till eternity. It will never end. Men and empires will come and go but Christianity will remain. Already, it has reached all the four corners of the world. In America, one will find the First Baptist Church San Antonio TX.

From the word go, it was definite that Christianity was an unstoppable force. Despite the great persecutions of the time, thousands of people converted and within a short time it became millions of people. Even the Roman Empire that initially fought Christianity ended up becoming Christian. Some centuries after the conversion of the Roman Emperor Constantine, the Catholic Church started.

The fact that Christianity spread despite of resistance from great empires and rulers, is a lesson that no one should ever try to fight the divine. Once Christianity reached the Roman Empire, Catholicism started. After some time, the Great Reformation happened and there was Protestantism that led to the formation of Baptist Church in Britain. Eventually, this church reached America.

Baptists have done a lot over the centuries. They have made the world to become a better place. Baptists have taken the gospel to many places. The Baptist faith is based on a number of unshakable principles and beliefs. A real believer will always stand his ground as far as his faith is concerned. One should never compromise when it comes to beliefs.

Of course, there is the belief in Baptism. That is where the name Baptist comes from. A Christian is a person who has been baptized by immersion into water. Even important people of Scripture were baptized. This is an essential requirement if one wants to become a Christian and subsequently be able to go to heaven. Paradise is beautiful.

Man is born a sinful creature. There is the original sin that was passed down from Adam and Even when they choose to eat the forbidden fruit. Because of the corrupted and sinful nature of first birth, a second birth is necessary. This will mark the start of a new, holy life. One should repent of all sins before baptism.

The belief in the Bible is supreme among all Baptist beliefs. Anyone who does not believe in the Bible is definitely not a Christian. The supremacy of the Holy Bible means that it is unquestionable and it is also complete in all respects, it does not need any addition or subtraction. The Scripture is 100% holy. It is a product of divine revelations and visions.

There are many good decisions that a person can make during his lifetime. The decision to pursue high quality education is definitely good. Saving money is another great decision. However, there is no greater decision than the decision to totally commit oneself to Christianity. A believer can make this decision. A non-believer can decide to be saved and become a Christian.

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