Saturday, 9 February 2019

Examples Of Vegan Holiday Recipes

By Larry Allen

Many families across the country make it a point to get together as the holidays approach. These special times of the year are prime occasions for relatives to share memories and laughs as well as enjoy delicious meals with their loved ones. However, mealtime can be a particular challenge for people who follow vegetarian diets or diets for vegans. They may not want to eat turkey, ham, chicken, and other animal products. By incorporating some ideas for vegan holiday recipes into your meal prep, you can make these people feel welcome and at home.

When you think about the time of year when the most popular holidays arrive, you may turn your attention to produce that comes into season. In particular, gourds and squash are harvested during the fall and winter months. Everything from acorn squash to spaghetti squash and pumpkins are available for low prices. These examples are also things that vegans can eat without the fear of consuming animal products.

Further, they may be prepared in a number of different ways. The simplest way to cook them involves baking them in the oven. You have to slice them open, remove the insides and seeds, and then salt and pepper them. Instead of using real butter, you can add margarine or vegetarian butter that does not have any animal products in it.

Once they are baked, you may scoop out the flesh and mash them like potatoes. Or could you serve them cubed or sliced. They may be served as either a side or a main dish for people who do not eat meat products.

When you want to serve something akin to meat, you may consider preparing portabella mushrooms. These mushrooms are meaty and quite large in size. Their size and texture make them filling and a good replacement for meat dishes like turkey and ham. Most grocery stores carry them year round and sell them for low prices.

Once you bake them until they are soft, you can slice them into strips and serve them with more melted margarine or olive oil. You also can roll them in breading and fry them in oil. They are a good substitute for meat and can be just as filling as a plateful of ham, chicken, or turkey during a big meal.

If you insist on serving something as close as possible to meat during your special dinners, you may consider tofurkey as a replacement for the vegans and vegetarians in the family. As its name implies, tofurkey is a tofu product shaped into the size and shape of a turkey. It contains no meat products, however, and is made entirely from tofu and other ingredients. It can be seasoned like turkey with onion, sage, salt, and pepper so it is more palatable.

These are some of the ideas available to you when you want to make a vegan friendly holiday meal. The people who avoid eating meat do not have to feel left out at mealtime. Instead, they may welcome your efforts to make things they can eat and will find enjoyable. Other people at the dinner table also might be surprised at how good these dishes taste.

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