Thursday, 11 April 2019

Essential Facts Concerning Second Coming Of Christ

By Catherine Phillips

Around the world, people believe in different religions which have different teachings that are followed by the young and the aged. Most of their scriptures remain unchanged and believed to be holy. Their teachings help in shaping the faith of the followers with the hope of getting eternal life after death. However, the teachings have different conclusions on how the world will come to an end. In this abstract, different facts about the second coming of Jesus Christ shall be discussed.

Identifying the dates which Christ shall come back is a puzzle that many people have failed to unveil. There is no verse in the bible give estimates of when he is expected. Different religions have predicted the dates and failed over the past generations. All that can be derived from this holy book is how he shall come and what shall happen after his arrival.

Most people who have no vast knowledge on the bible wonder how they shall learn of his return. In the bible, it is clear that it shall happen after the entire world has learned enough of the teachings. In Revelation, it says that the end times shall prove full of outrageous preachers and miracle workers. Such people are described as prophets of doom whereby their presence shall start signifying the return of Messiah.

Another thing that is associated with his arrival is the company of thousands of angels from heaven. Since his resurrection, he was given the kingdom whereby the angels help him administer his duties. Christians shall see these angles on this important day, and his glory shall glow around the world. As such, he shall reign above all the kings and rulers on earth until the day of rapture.

Most churches preach about the rapture, and this confuses the attendants failing to differentiate from the second coming. The return of Jesus is meant for redeeming the world from all the evils and not about judgment. He will come to establish his millennial kingdom where no evil shall prevail. However, rapture shall occur when believers and non-believers are judged for their acts on earth.

Although no one has an idea on when the son of God shall come back, it is written that his arrival shall be audible and visible. Sounds of trumpets shall be heard from one heaven to the other according to the book of 1st Thessalonians 4:16. Jesus will descend making a loud voice, and his sound shall be heard even by the deaf. His return is associated with the lightning whose light seen across the valleys and mountains.

Another belief that Christians believe in is that his second return will be greater than the initial one. During his first mission on earth, he was born in a stable and spent a humble life spreading the gospel. His humility got him persecuted but this time he shall come as the king of kings and all the powers shall bow before him.

Although Christians are told to expect this visit anytime, they do not know how to handle the scenario. By digging deeper into the scriptures, you will be armed with several facts on how his coming shall happen. Moreover, regular attendance of church sermons will empower you spiritually and prepare you for this long awaited day.

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