Friday, 24 May 2019

The Historical Past Of The Methodist Church That All Should Know

By Carl Turner

The methodism follow the democratic system which participate at national convention. There are branches of that methodism which have bishops, but others would reject them. The duties are then divided among the exhorters, itinerant preachers and local preachers. Each four years, the convention would be held into determining the theology like the Wylie United Methodist Church.

From very start, they were concerned alongside holiness and the emphasized of need for experience at salvation. They were integral part in second great of awakening and use at revival and camp meetings in calling the people into conversion. That concept in circuit riding of preachers was then developed through preacher that travel from one settlement into other, serving and preaching till there is enough body into call the fulltime pastor.

The Methodist church that have no official stance at legitimacy in abortion yet reluctant in approving of that and do not give the church the funds in organizing like planned parenthood. They hold that life starts at conception and abortion at taking that life would always be wrong. They believe at immaculate conception and the doctrine which Mary was conceived in where there is not stain of any sin in her soul. The Methodists though do not.

The redemption is gift that is available for all, the good work is sign of the justified person. They believe at witness of spirit in assuring themselves which been saved. They believed at good work, acceptable and pleasing the god, spring from the living and true faith, by then the faith would be made evident. The justification is the declaration which the person would be righteous.

The Methodists believe in scripture and the foremost and first rule in faith. That also use make of tradition yet regard that secondary not in infallible and at importance. It holds the sixty six canonical books in scripture. The Catholics treat it and the tradition in equally determining in believe. They hold that there would be seventy three canonical books that includes the Judith, Tobit, Baruch, Sirach and wisdom.

It also known as the Methodist movement which is the group of historic denominations in protestant Christianity that derive the inspiration from teachings and life of a man named john Wesley. They also are significant leaders in early stage of the movement. That originated as the revival movement in eighteen century church and have become separate after the death of Wesley. That movement have spread through the Britain then the united states because of hard work in missionary.

The people that are obedient to gospel according into measuring the knowledge that is given the universal salvation. Holy spirit that assures the man of the salvation through the inner experience. The Christians in that life would capable of the perfection and commanded through god in pursuing it.

For a catholic, the confirmation is sacrament which give the person the grace in being strong at faith. The other though does not regard the ordination as the sacrament yet it ordains both the women and men. They regard it priestly which makes the priests the successors of apostles. They hold only men could be ordained.

That movement has wide variety in form of the worship that range from the high church into low church at liturgical usage. The denominations which descend from tradition generally are less ritualistic. It is known for the rich tradition in music and that the early leader was instrumental at writing the songs.

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