Tuesday, 25 June 2019

Green Bay Walleye Fishing Can Take Place On Ice

By James Hughes

In ice fishing, only the strong survive. Give a man fish and he will eat for a day. Teach him how to fish and he will eat for a lifetime. Give a man religion and he will pray for a fish. In ice angling, it is not over until it is over. Everyone should believe in something. Some people believe in ice angling. An ice fisherman needs to go to very remote places where others cannot go. He can go to Green Bay, Wisconsin and engage in Green Bay Walleye fishing on the ice.

Walleye fishing is amazing. Walleye eating is even better. Once an individual eats walleye fillets, he will be hooked to them for life. These fillets can be prepared using some beer and lemon juice. Slow cooking will make them to taste wonderful. The best walleye fillets are caught on ice. In Green Bay, ice fishing is a popular pastime during the winter. The fisherman will first need to drill a hole of 20 cm.

If specialized gear is not available, a simple axe will help in drilling the hole. This axe will need to be sharpened before it is used. A large metal spoon will remove new ice as it forms. When it is very cold, many ice anglers normally carry a heater. This is not only used for warmth. It also prevents the angling hole from freezing.

Ice angling can be difficult when the temperature is below -29 degrees. A small and light fishing rod can be used in angling. This will need to have a small and brightly colored lure. Alternatively, the bait might be shiner minnows, fax heads, or wax worms. Tip ups can be used in angling. This can be made of wood or plastic.

An ice angler needs to have a light and small angling rod. The lure should be small and brightly colored. If live bait is preferred, the options to use include wax worms, fax heads, and shiny minnows. Spear angling involves using a spear and fish decoys. The fisherman will need to wait for prey in a dark ice shanty also called dark house.

Ice angling can also involve the use of a flasher. This resembles a fish finder in the way that it is used. A flasher is a sonar system. It will provide an angler with accurate information. It will indicate the movement of fish as well as non-fish objects. The position of the bait will also be indicated on the flasher.

The most traditional way of ice angling requires the use of a club in angling. Only a small percentage of ice anglers in America and Canada are still using this method of angling. Most of them have shifted to using more contemporary methods of angling. The angler will strike the ice with a club to paralyze it temporarily.

Most states have an agency that deals with managing natural resources. In Wisconsin, there is the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources. This has a board that is headed by a chairman and a vice chairman. This agency is tasked with managing natural resources in this state. These natural resources include fish, forests, water, soil, climate, and wild animals. Wisconsin is well endowed with resources.

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