Tuesday 13 August 2019

Modern And Advance Means Of Transportation

By Larry Williams

Transportation was undeniably a problem to people before. We all know that trade of goods and services were the most common way of living of the people during the old times. But they always find it difficult to make their job done considering the difficulties and travelling the same. Transmission Essex County was especially made for this problem together with the machines and vehicles.

During the old days people are having hard time when it comes to anything they do, especially in transportation. They used to walk and use animals for them to move from one place to another. Indeed, we cannot underestimate those animals because they have been a great help to our ancestors during those times.

We can actually see in our history that the main tool for their transportation are actually horses and other mammals suitable for ride and carry a person. Even during wars people tend to utilize them as a weapon. Indeed, the vehicle during those days is actually mammals and they cannot be said to be an animal abused because they were treated in the same footing as humans.

However, we seem to forget nowadays the real importance of animals to our ancestors. Humans are not giving them the same respect as they used to have. Well, we cannot blame our society now because everything has already changed. Humans have changed in taste and preference. People tend to evolve whenever the circumstances so require.

Nevertheless, before those inventions were made, people used to have animals as their means of transport. They even used them during the wars, and as a matter of fact, animals have been a big part of history. They play a very important role in our society, from before until now.

After a several years, when machine was invented and made available to the general public, there came a hope for the citizens. Several developments have been introduced and the society started to have an easier way of living. Until now, we enjoy the use of such invention and we even continue on improving such.

For the benefit of those who do not know, machines are the product of our modern technology created with the help of engineering and science. We also have to give credit to our ancestors that came up with this idea. Actually, machines are designed to help people get a better life, but unfortunately, it seems that our community is abusing the said, not to mention the creation of war and lethal machineries.

There are machines that do not need a transmission. Or should I say, such kinds automatically shift gear in order to relay sufficient power to its engine. Gear is the one responsible for power supply. The higher the gear means the power is also high, and in contrary, when gear is low the power is also low.

Nevertheless, no matter how beautiful are these creations of humans, we still have to consider the negative side it carries. We are all aware that gasoline comes from our natural resources. And as time goes by, our population grows bigger than ever. So by implication, more persons will need these machineries, and the demand for natural power will grow as well.

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