Thursday, 9 July 2015

On Hiring Alaska Auto Transport

By Olive Pate

Several causes may necessitate hiring of auto movers. Purchasing a vehicle from a person far from where you are or even outside your state are some of the circumstances. Also, after an accident or the car has broken down, you need people to deliver your car home. Some prefer driving their cars wherever they go. So they will need someone to get them their cars to the various destinations they fly to. Alaska auto transport companies offer all this and many more.

Getting a student looking for a cheap means of getting home from college to drive a car all the way to where you live can cost of you less. Some people engage in offering these services at a professional level. Of course you will end up spending less but there will be a lot of wear and also tear to deal with. This is frustrating especially when the car is luxurious or a collectible. Insurance problems may arise too. Getting a shipping company to do the moving may prove to be cost effective and safe.

Do not however rush to hire the cheap ones. Some quote low rates but a carrier is sought after the deal has been closed. If the carrier declines to do the job, the vehicle car is not moved. Be on the lookout for such dabblers.

Do a research on various companies offering these services. Find out how the customers they have served below say about the kind of services they got. Your friends who have hired the services of these companies before can be consulted too. Ensure they have been operating for a couple of years.

The industry is highly unregulated. That is why each day many companies claiming to offer these services are coming up. They are after churning money form unsuspecting customers. Therefore, be keen on your dealings with the various companies. Make sure their agents are bonded and the carriers insured and licensed. Seek to know hoe disputes are resolved in such companies.

After booking your transport, make sure you receive an email or fax to confirm the same. Go through any document the company sends to you before putting your signature in it. In case of online booking, clicking the send button takes the place of a signature.

Remove all valuables and personal items from the car. The carriers prefer you fill your tank less than a fourth the capacity to make it easier for transport as it takes off some weight. This saves them on fuel and in turn they charge you less. Clean the vehicle before it is inspected to ensure the information recorded is accurate. Any alarms should be disabled.

Be there to confirm the carriers do an inspection of your car. If there are any damages, they are notes while filing a report on the vehicle condition. You will have to sign it and remain with a copy of the document. When the car will be delivered, use this as a baseline to inspect for any additional damage. Do not be a hurry to do this as it may cost you later. In case of new damages, ensure the carrier signs the condition report entailing the same and keep a copy of the report.

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