Saturday, 11 November 2017

Get Laughs With Prank Call Websites

By Joseph Stevens

It would be a terrible shame to let the birthday of a friend, April Fools Day, or New Years pass without a good pranking. Video-recorded pranks are all the rage on the Internet, and we all have a friend who needs to be taken down a notch now and then. With prank call websites now anyone can indulge their desire to be entertained at the expense of someone close to them.

Believe it or not, we can still get our friends and family Rick-Rolled like back in the Nineties, and we can set it up while they are in a public setting. Any girlfriend can receive a call from her so-called Gynecologist office telling her that she is expecting twins, triplets, or a litter. Maybe you just want to pull the jealousy strings of someone by convincing them you are jetting to Paris without them.

It is important to point out that pranking is about fun, not being mean, hurtful, or harmful. Friendships can be disrupted, or even destroyed by a poorly executed pranking that showed poor taste, so be aware of your subject matter. The idea is to have fun without going too far, which is why hiring a professional pranking artist is necessary.

You can even make it look like your target is calling themselves in some new apps that provide you with a number of possible pranks. There are methods by which many people make a call appear to come from an unknown number. Heck, you could even make the call to one friend appear to be coming from another, and be pranking two of your besties at once.

A day spent engaged in listening to these pranks can teach any trickster or comic a great deal about executing jokes. Not only giving pointers on ways to make their voice unrecognizable, but also tips on handling a difficult to trick friend. It is a good idea to witness jokes unfolding just in case something goes wrong, the matter can be resolved without any further drama ensuing.

Online video sites also host an entire community devoted to inventing and executing the most creative pranks ever. With modern technology, one can weave a believable fable complete with supporting evidence or testimony. Be careful, however, as it is never a good idea to allow pranks to run on so long that the prankee becomes upset.

Anyone over the age of thirty can probably remember a day spent with a friend, dialing random people, and trying to trick them. There was always someone with a voice sounding more adult, and a mischief streak long enough to play tricks on the whole town. Those were the days, as cellular technology made it impossible to pursue such randomness.

There is a whole world of trickery available for the seasoned trickster comic to indulge on unsuspecting social media connections. Use this power wisely, and only for the fun and frivolity of everyone involved. Consider your targets carefully, and make sure no wounds are going to be opened or reopened by the topic of your pranks.

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