Friday, 9 March 2018

Spiritual T Shirts Online For Your Retreat

By Amy Myers

Longing for simpler times when retiring to a cave in search of spiritual enlightenment was still in vogue, settling for a getaway to a spiritual retreat would probably make for a much more comfortable alternative unless you want the piles you had to get from hours spent sitting cross-legged in an ice-cold cave! Retreats offer you that much-needed space required for one to find themselves, with the added bonus of wearing your spiritual t shirts online and getting to meet and greet many other open-minded people with plenty of insights and encouragements to share.

For those feeling aversion to the suggestion, their usual excuse is that what is taught at such gatherings run contrary to the beliefs they were brought up with. But these exercises do not require you take up an entirely new religion, merely to be open-minded enough to try a new (albeit ancient) approach to spirituality.

Living in this world can become a burden on so many levels. Added to that, the air we breath along with the water we drink being considered too contaminated for human consumption by many authorities, one sometimes has to take drastic action just to achieve, and maintain, some semblance of health in our current civilization.

And, according to the findings of the American Psychological Association, there is a direct link between chronic stress and the six leading causes of death: heart disease, cancer, lung ailments, irreversible liver damage, suicide, and the negligent kinds of behavior that cause accidents. It becomes cliche to say that the stress is the number one killer, but considering that more than 75 percent of all visits to the doctor are for stress-related ailments, and given their close relationship to cardiac-related issues, more and more people are taking it to heart (pun intended). There's a growing awareness about the importance, some might say necessity, of making regular getaways from the fast-paced rat race that is modern living.

What you believe, you can achieve, has been considered sage advice since time immemorial. But only with the advances of modern science, especially in the realm of quantum physics, have people begun to realize the extent of the influence that their minds exert over the state of their physicality. Developing greater control of their minds has become the prime preoccupation of people in modern times.

And of all mind development tools, few have as many far-reaching consequences as the habit of developing mindfulness. Learning to be more aware in every moment not only helps develop greater levels on concentration, which go on to benefit many other areas of life, but becoming acutely aware of the activities of the mind from moment to moment has helped many unravel the deeper mysteries of their natures; discovering what truly motivates them as human beings in the process.

And seeing how difficult is it to hear both sides of an argument while being strongly biased towards either side, it stands to reason that learning to listen is as invaluable a tool in reaching the greater understanding, as is being able to stand your ground in stating the strengths of a preferred argument. The exercises taught at a typical retreat offers just such a means to an end.

And one simply cannot place enough stock on the value of developing greater levels of focus and concentration, especially with the juggling act that is day-to-day living. Taking up a daily practice like mediation which can be achieved by simply getting into the habit of taking long, slow, and deep breaths is one of the simplest methods of reintroducing the mind-body mechanism back into its inherent, preferred state of health and wholeness.

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