Thursday, 14 June 2018

Basic Concepts About Biblical Apologetics

By Frances Clark

Christian Apologetics is a theological branch which tends to defend Christianity from oppositions. There exist numerous objections about the existence of God and the whole concept of Christianity bringing along different debates about this. As a Christian, it is essential to embrace the concept of apologetics to have a strong ground to argue with individuals resisting the existence of your religion. The following are basic thoughts about Biblical apologetics.

First, understand the origin of this aspect. Faith defenders have been existing since the second century. It started with opposition brought along by Greek Philosophers against the rising Christianity. Some of the aspects that original apologetics argued against was the assumption that Christians are immoral, atheists against the Greek gods, and acted as cannibals. Also, they tend to help them understand that faith has been existing since the Old Testament.

The main objectives of this concept. Apologetic is meant to achieve three basic objectives. Show the truth to non-believers through vindication, disapproving false accusation from non-believers and opposing lies which are surrounding the faith. These objectives are crucial despite the arguments of most Christianity that one should not by any means defend or try to argue aspects regarding the church.

The relationship between apologetics and evangelism. Basically, evangelism is the spread of the word of God. Faith defense is considered as a pre-evangelism which remove the opposition nature of a non-believer to prepare viable grounds to preach the gospel. Most non-believers have an intellectual objection against the concept of Christianity hence the need to bring in faith-based defense which is based on their intellectual arguments to be on the same level.

Using epistemologies as the basis of your approach to defense. You have three aspects to consider when using this process in your defense. First, one should acknowledge the respective word of God, review the point of view of the non-believer and use mystic experiences to explain the concept of faith. One should acknowledge The Trinity and sin to use the approach efficiently.

Construction of arguments to approach this concept. You can base an argument through five approaches. It starts with the evidence process, classical, cumulative case, reformed epistemology and the assumption method. You have to understand detailed approaches to use in every method to make valid arguments about the truth.

Defense through the bible. Believers term the Bible as the word of God. Therefore, both atheist and apologetics should have an understanding of the biblical teaching to have relevant arguments about it. Therefore, emphasis should be put through the biblical teaching with reference to it as well. Christians are also expected to portray a religious living a method called as lifestyle evangelism.

Argument from outside the Bible. The most common way that one should stand with their faith is disagreeing with logic thinking to understand God. Therefore, an apologetic should set his or her facts right about the existence of God and His revelation to us to create logical arguments about His existence.

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