Monday, 2 March 2015

The Significance Of Unmanned Surface Vessel

By Olivia Cross

Developments in the technological world have played a major role in improvements of the monitoring systems. There has been to collect important data in the oceans for the purpose of analysis and research but there are high risks associated with these waters. However this has been solved by the development of unmanned surface vessel which have the ability to move long distances in the sea and gather the required data.

Different models of the vessels have been made depending on the intended purpose which can easily cope with the places they are going to be used. Materials with low densities are used to make these boats in order to make them float on water easily. They are also designed into shapes that make them move easily at low energy intake. They have power conversion systems that enable the conversion of the solar and tide movement as means of locomotion.

Complex technology is employed in making these boats. Automatic remote control systems have been developed which have enabled their operation with no human on board which has also enabled easy operation. They are equipped with systems that enable capturing of the wanted data very easily. Location sensing devices are fixed as well so they can be used to send signals from the boat thus making it easy to locate it while in the ocean.

Hubs have been set up from which the operations of the vessels are monitored from. Various professions have been employed in these centers to come up with different soft wares which are installed into these devices. All instructions are given from this points and all the gathered information is transmitted back here for interpretation and storage. The information is later on used for referencing and formulation of strategies regarding sea navigation.

There has been high application of these water boats naval operations in many countries. There is great need to protect territorial borders on the water bodies. Military operations in the oceans are very risky due to the violent tides thus there has been need to use spy boats that do not require any human on board. This is very significant in making the country secure from external attackers.

Fleet companies have also benefited greatly from the use of this technology. Boats are sent into the sea to survey the weather and the tides crossing the path the ship is likely to use. The findings are then sent to the cabin crew who are able to know which routes are safer to follow. This has helped in reduction in the number of sea accidents.

Regrettably, some terrorists have been able to harness this technology which they are using secretly investigate the security measures employed by target nations. This has opened routes for them getting into the country illegally and they can easily carry out their destructive attacks.

Numerous disruptions have come up affecting the performance of these devices. Some become non-functional thus making data collection difficult. The long distance sailed away from the controllers leads to loss of signals and the loss of the boat as well. Also some get drowned by the strong waves.

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